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News, page #8


May 24 is the Day of Slavonic Literature and Culture 

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

How does the scientific community explain ozone holes in the Arctic and Antarctica? Interview with Alexander Gruzdev, leading research officer of Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics.

Video Aleksandr Kozlov
Author Anastasia Penzina
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

Paleoreconstruction of ancient stone borer’s habitat provides new insight into Mesozoic Forest ecosystem


Turtles are one of the renowned long-livers on our planet. They have existed for over 220 million years, yet are now threatened with extinction...


May 22 is the Day of Biological Diversity. The UN General Assembly established this day as a special one back in 2000, yet the agenda becomes even more relevant every year. 


Tracking systems for referees, new fabrics for sportswear, and gadgets for amateur sport. 

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

Alexander Chuchalin, RAS Academician, and Simon Matskeplishvili, RAS Correspondent Member, spoke of the consequences of COVID-19 on the Mneniye program on the TV channel Rossiya 24

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Author Anastasia Ibragimova

How have global changes in traditional lifestyle occurred, and what transformations are waiting for us ahead? We have seen already robotization, artificial intelligence, exploration of planets and global village, while the changes ahead look even more interesting


Today, on May 21, the Svetlanov Hall of Moscow International House of Music hosted a concert devoted to the great scientist and humanist. 


The date is confined to opening of the first drifting polar station – North Pole (USSR) – in 1937

Author Ida Novikova

Orthodox Physicians Society holds a round table titled Vaccination: Ethical Problems in Light of Orthodox Doctrine at the Theological Academy of the Meeting of Our Lord.

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

Volga is considered the world’s richest river in biodiversity 

Author Ida Novikova

May 20 is marked as the International Day of Traumatologist


Academician Andrey Kokoshin invited as guest to the Pyataya Sudiya (Fifth Studio) program on Russia-24 television channel highlighted difficult relationships between America and Russia

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Author Anastasia Ibragimova

On dynamics of oncological diseases, medical staffing problems, scientific potential, as well as new methods of treating cancer and impact of COVID-19 on the work of oncological service

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Author Ida Novikova

On May 19, 1910 the Earth met with Halley’s Comet

Author Anna Posokhova

The platform of RAS hosted an international online conference devoted to COVID-19 and thrombosis development 

Author Ida Novikova

On May 18, the world marks International Museum Day


Main topic – Present State and Prospects as to Development of Quantum Technologies in Russia

Video Aleksandr Kozlov
Author Anna Posokhova
Author Alexander Burmistrov
Video Dmitry Samsonov

The space flight of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin marked the start of space research

Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Author Anna Posokhova
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov


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The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it

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