Theories of Everything
Story behind the Country's Main Scientific Institution
Scientific Russia continues a cycle of January publications about the New Year celebrations, the festive season, folk beliefs and traditions
Recalling the achievements of a famous sociologist and agrarian economist
Recalling the famous experiment when the scientist lived with wolves at Borjomi Strict Nature Reserve (Georgia)
We recall the achievement of the outstanding scientist
Remembering the achievements of an outstanding scientist
We recall the achievements of the outstanding scientist
Under Babakin’s leadership, Mars 3, Venera 7, Luna 9, and other spacecraft were created.
Carl Sagan played a key role in the US space program
Remembering the achievements of an outstanding scientist
Remembering accomplishments of the famous scientist
Remembering the achievements of a famous scientist
Recalling the achievements of an outstanding scientist
Kittinger’s 31 km jump was recognized as the longest free fall in history
Erwin Schrödinger, Austrian theoretical physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, Nobel laureate, was born on August 12, 1887
On that day in 1914, the first electric traffic lightdesigned by James Hoge was put into place on the corner of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in Cleveland
А1 — B7 – B12 -К2 – and it's not a Battleship, but something more useful and indispensable to our health, although we need it in relatively small quantities. Get ready, today we are going to talk about vitamins
Over the last 100 years, the tiger population in the wild has declined by over 90%
On July 26, archaeologists celebrate Birch Bark Day
What are the qualities an ethnographer needs? Specifics of the profession are discussed in our article
What does life in a paradise lead to? Ethologist John Calhoun tried to answer this question in 1968.
We commemorate the achievements of a great scientist
The United Nations proclaimed 2021–2030 as Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Platonov was one of the founders of aviation psychology who also successfully worked in social psychology and labor psychology
Aleksandr Lyapunov was a prominent Russian scientist, the founder of the theory of stability of an equilibrium and movement of mechanical systems with finite number of parameters
Initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Milk Day was first celebrated in 2001
The date is confined to opening of the first drifting polar station – North Pole (USSR) – in 1937
Moisey Markov put forward the idea of registering neutrino in natural water basins. The same idea laid the foundation for creation of Baikal underwater neutrino telescope
The key ecological challenges today include floods and tsunami, degradation of soils, atmospheric pollution, and toxic emissions of CO2 and garbage catastrophe
Controlled thermonuclear fusion copying the processes taking place in the solar core remains the cherished dream of mankind
We talk about the main achievement of this outstanding scientist
The scientist became the first industrial organic chemist elected to the US National Academy of Sciences
We tell you about the achievements of an outstanding scientist
The holiday is celebrated by about a billion of people every year
Where can we find the suitable conditions for life in the solar system? We will tell you about Titan, Enceladus, Europa, and other moons of our planets
We will tell you about a unique museum that will be the central site for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first manned space flight
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The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it