The Institute of Universal History is a leading research institution for world history studies within the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Institute was established in October 1968. Before that, work on universal history was carried out within the general Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR established in 1934. The Institute is headed by the Director, Mikhail Arkadyevich Lipkin, a Doctor of Historical Sciences and a Professor of RAS. Alexander Oganovich Chubaryan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, and a fellow of the RAS, is the scientific head of the Institute.
Research priorities at the Institute of Universal History of RAS include theoretical and methodological problems of studying world history; global studies; comparative studies of ancient and medieval civilizations; 20th century history; the history of European countries, the United States, Africa and Latin America; Russia in world history; the history of post-Soviet space; history of religion and church; special historical disciplines.
The staff of the Institute currently includes 60 doctors and 87 candidates, including A.O. Chubaryan, A.B. Davidson, I.Kh. Urilov, and associate fellows of RAS: A.I. Ivanchik, S.M. Kashtanov, L.P. Repina, P.Yu. Uvarov.
At different times, the Institute has employed world-famous scientists: academicians S.D. Skazkin, Ye.V. Tarle, Ye.M. Zhukov, Ye.A. Kosminsky, G.M. Bongard-Levin, N.N. Bolkhovitinov, G.G. Litavrin, as well as A.Z. Manfred, B.F. Porshnev, S.L. Utchenko, A.P. Kazhdan, A.Ya. Gurevich, G.N. Sevostyanov, Yu.L. Bessmertny, etc.
The Institute of Universal History maintains extensive international cooperation with leading scientific organizations in Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United States, France and other countries. One of the key objectives of the Institute is to integrate science and education.
Научный руководитель — Александр Оганович Чубарьян
Alexander Oganovich Chubaryan, the scientific head of the Institute, graduated magna cum laude from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University in 1956 and completed post-graduate studies at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1959. He has worked at the Institute of History (from 1968, the Institute of Universal History) since 1958 and served as the Director of the Institute of Universal History of RAS from 1988 to 2015. In parallel, he taught at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Chubaryan has been an associate fellow RAS since 1994 and a fellow since 2000 (History Office).
Alexander Chubaryan is the First Rector and President of the State Academic University of Humanities, President of the Russian Society of Historical Archivists. He is the author of more than 300 scientific papers. Major works: The Brest-Litovsk Treaty, European Idea in History in the 19th – 20th Centuries (translated and published in Great Britain and Germany); Europe in the 20th Century: History and Perspectives (published in the United States, 2002) the six-volume publication, History of Europe (Editor-in-Chief); The World in the 20th Century (responsible editor and contributing author). Mr. Chubaryan is the author and editor of textbooks and study guides on Russian and foreign history. The scholar has been awarded several domestic and foreign orders and medals, including the Order of Honor (1999), the French Order of the Legion of Honor (2005), the Officer's Cross (Germany), the Order of St. Gregory (Vatican State). He is a fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences.
Mr. Chubaryan was a member of the Commission on Countering Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia’s Interests that had been active between 2009-2012. Since 2007 he has been the Head of the Scientific Council of the World Encyclopedia of Travel Foundation, a non-profit organization.
Departments of the Institute:
Department of History of International Relations and Integration of Academic Science and Education
Department of Comparative Study of Ancient Civilizations
Department of West European Middle Ages and Early Modernity
Department of the History of Byzantium and Eastern Europe
Department of Modern and Recent History
Department of Regional Studies
Department of Historical and Theoretical Research
Center for Intellectual History
Department of Historical Anthropology and the History of Everyday Life
Department of Special Historical Disciplines
World History Publication Preparation Division
Institutional History of the 20th Century Lab