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News, page #1


On April 6, 1836, an outstanding surgeon and an innovator doctor Nikolay Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky was born


On April 5, 1722, the expedition of Admiral Jacob Roggeveen, sent in search of the Southern Continent, discovered Easter Island lost in the Pacific Ocean

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

The first tweet was bought for $2.9 million. The Web column of The New York Times – for $558,000. The GIF image of a cat with a cookie body flying on a rainbow – for $590,000. What is NFT and why people pay for it

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

This man went down in history not only as a businessman who successfully promoted inventions and patents. Carl Wilhelm Siemens was an inventor and engineer who remained faithful to his craft until the end of his life.

Author Karina Lanyak

Borok Geophysical Observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an extraordinary place where the magnetic properties of our planet and life itself as a wave phenomenon are studied


How to train your brain by training your body and what exactly you should do from a neurobiological point of view

Author Karina Lanyak

On April 3, 1933, Soviet surgeon Yuri Voronoi performed the world’s first kidney transplant 


“Yakutia has the opportunity to create a world-class center in a number of powerful fields.”

Video Aleksandr Kozlov
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Author Natalya Malakhova

Cozy armchairs, a widescreen and a staircase with lighting are visible attributes of a modern cinema hall. And how was it before? What was hiding behind the wall with the window? Grab some popcorn and read about it in our article

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

On April 2nd, an online press conference on the issues of “The Russian Academy of Sciences and the Future of Science and Technology in Yakutia” was held at the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency

Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Author Natalya Malakhova

Complex long-term work of the Russian scientists on the study of mire ecosystems contributes to the preservation of the biosphere regulating the role of mires, their diversity in the Republic of Karelia and other boreal regions of Russia


On April 2nd, an online press conference of head of the RAS Alexander Mikhaylovich Sergeev and head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Aysen Sergeyevich Nikolayev was held


Online press conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific and Technological Future of Yakutia


On April 2, 2021, at 11:00 a.m., A. M. Sergeev, held an online press conference at the International Multimedia Press Center of Rossiya Segodnya International 

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Author Anna Posokhova
Karina Lanyak

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day


Once, amateur radio has been a very popular hobby. Does anybody keep the ball rolling today? Does this hobby have future? Commentaries of Yevgeny Sukhoverkhov, head of Radio Electronics Museum Complex

Video Aleksandr Kozlov
Author Anastasia Ibragimova
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

The magnetic field protects us from space radiation and solar wind. There would have been no life on our planet without it. What will happen if magnetic field inversion occurs?

Author Nataliya Leskova
Video Dmitry Samsonov

Zhores Ivanovich Alferov has a conversation with Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa. Show archives


Zhores Ivanovich Alferov has a conversation with Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa. Show archives


Sergey Kapitsa’s birthday


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The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it

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