Zhores Ivanovich Alferov has a conversation with Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa. Show archives
Zhores Ivanovich Alferov has a conversation with Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa. Show archives
The brain activity is deciphered on the cellular and molecular level thanks to modern scientific advances. Will that knowledge allow us to understand what thinking is? Will we learn how to treat brain disorders in the 21st century?
It is a known fact that half of all lakes on Earth are salt lakes. What do we know about salt lakes? Who lives in them and how? What else is there in their waters other than salt? Why do scientists believe them to be natural evolutionary laboratories? How are they good for humans and what dangers do they hide?
Is stress good or bad? Do ordinary people and scientists have the same meaning? Have humans always experienced stress or is it something that the civilization brought us? Can you learn to manage your stress?
Latest discoveries make us take a fresh look at one of the most enigmatic elementary particles – neutrino. What is neutrino, what are the basic properties of this particle? Why is it important today to study the neutrino physics?
The year 2012 has been announced the Year of the Russian History. What does it mean and what impact will it have on development of historical studies? What is truth in history? What are the objectivity criteria?
Does the current organizational structure of the Russian science meet the challenges of our time? What makes it different from the organizational system of science in place in the countries considered to be scientifically leading? What sets it back and what works effectively?
What is the place of science in the modern world and culture? How does it advance and meet challenges of the 21st century? How do the scientists and the society carry on a dialog with each other?
Today, breakthroughs in science tend to occur at the intersection of different disciplines. Chemists, physicists, and biologists have come a long way in polymer research. What works are carried out at the laboratories and how are the results of such works used in real life?
More than 30 years ago, the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences laid the foundation of the Nizhny Novgorod academic science. Today, it is one of the leaders in the RAS system. How can we, with truly frontier science, build a system that can foster innovation in present-day conditions?
Today, there is a lot of talk about scientific megaprojects – very large investment projects. What are they needed for? Is it any use talking about large-scale projects when science funding is in question?
A conversation with Yevgeny Yevgenievich Achkasov, a surgeon and a scientist, a winner of the President of the Russian Federation Award in Science and Innovations for Young Researchers. How can we reform the present-day medicine? What should a doctor of the 21st century be like?
Paleogenetics changed today’s anthropogenesis theories and the study of our genomes and genomes of our ancestors allowed us to answer some of the questions regarding the human evolution. What makes the brain of Homo Sapiens different from the brain of Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Denisovensis?
It is a known fact that energy shapes the time and economy. What energy sources does the mankind use? Are the fears that we are facing an energy crisis justified?
There has been an avalanche-like invasion of the methods of physics into different areas of medicine for the last few decades. This is ultimately about laser and information technologies. What diseases can be diagnosed and treated with laser?
According to archaeologists, the history of such a unique monument of the Ancient Egypt, as the Royal Mummies Crypt, is reminiscent of a detective story. The crypt was discovered in the late 19th century but it was not until recently that archaeologists could get inside. What is the mystery of this crypt?
Today, many believe that biotechnologies will shape the 21st century. The scientists promise that by 2012 reading the genome will be as easy as taking a blood test today. If Russia falls behind in the genetic race, it will face more severe consequences than the defeat in the nuclear or space spheres.
We see how fast the modern world changes and all fundamental concepts transform. Politics is the key. What is politics today and what language does it use? Who defines and carries out politics? What is the power instinct? Politics is science, art or technologies?
Throughout the history, people have been looking for ways to stop ageing, prolong life, reclaim youth, beauty and strength. However, ageing is a natural process established by the nature itself. When does it step in? Can we slow down ageing?
Does mathematics develop on its own or does it live off ideas coming from physics? What is more important – solve a problem or set one? Who should find a problem – the teacher or the student? These are the questions the most famous contemporary mathematician Vladimir Arnold will answer.
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The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it