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News, page #7


How many exhibits are there in the MSU Zoological Museum? What is going on in its secret room? How did researchers discover 250 new organisms? What is birdwatching? Director of the MSU Zoological Museum Mikhail Kalyakin talked about it in detail.

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

The weight of spacecraft amounted to 410 kg 

Author Anna Posokhova

The world marks International Day of Light on May 16

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

So far, only morels and helvells can be found in the forest, while media report about tightening the rules of gathering mushrooms which the Ministry of Natural Resources denies. However, there are mushrooms listed in the Red Book.

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

Mikhail Golovnin is convinced that, in a year or two, countries will introduce their digital currencies as their response to Bitcoin. In the interview: on the Bitcoin appreciation and the outlook for cryptotechnologies in the economy

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Author Alexander Burmistrov

Intermetallic compounds of rare-earth elements with layered crystal structure are promising materials for fundamental research in physics of condensed matter


Twice a year, people all over the world are called for looking at the stars. The Astronomy Day is marked in spring and fall: in 2021 it falls on May 15 and October 9 

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

May 15 – International Climate Day 

Author Anna Posokhova

Selfie, live-photo and square cards popping up from Polaroid – how many technological innovations we have seen! However, one thing remains unchanged – capturing the moment. All this is the magic of photography. 

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

In 18th century, physicians noticed that cavalry troopers and milkmaids caught smallpox les often – cowpox which was safe for human organism offered a reliable protection against the lethal version of the disease. The evidence of it was presented by E. Jenner

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

parliamentary hearings at the Federation Council: issues of scientific HR potential


On May 13, the Federation Council hosted parliamentary hearings on state and growth tools of human resources in science


The Federation Council hosts parliamentary hearings devoted to topic Scientific Human Resources: State, Development Trends and Growth Tools


“It is important to make easier for a student to switch over to other areas of training with securing a budget place for them, and fix it in the legislation.” 


Parliamentary hearings at the Federation Council devoted to topic Scientific Human Resources: State, Development Trends and Growth Tools


Scientific Russia discussed the key milestones in the development of space and aviation material science with RAS Academician Yevgeny Kablov

Video Aleksandr Kozlov
Author Yanina Khuzhina

How can earthly healthcare benefit from space medicine? Is it possible to send a filming crew to the orbit? Is a flight to the Moon bad for your health? We’ve discussed these questions in an interview at the Institute of Biomedical Problems

Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Author Alexander Burmistrov

Professor A. P. Kozlov created a new theory of tumors that will take oncology to a new level. In a conversation, the professor will tell us what theory it is and what prospects it offers.

Author Nataliya Leskova
Video Dmitry Samsonov
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

Moisey Markov put forward the idea of registering neutrino in natural water basins. The same idea laid the foundation for creation of Baikal underwater neutrino telescope 


The key ecological challenges today include floods and tsunami, degradation of soils, atmospheric pollution, and toxic emissions of CO2 and garbage catastrophe

Author Ida Novikova


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How can technology of remote sensing of the Earth keep track of wildfires, oceanic processes, volcanic activity, and urban development?

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