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News, page #29


Scientific Russia has visited one of the largest enterprises in the Russian agrobiological industry

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Andrey Luft
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

Junior researcher of the Astro Space Center (ASC) of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS) Vyacheslav Avdeev describes the most unusual extraterrestrial oceans and the search for water on the closest planets and their moons

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Andrey Luft
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What prevents Russians from eating right? Can a diet be both healthy and affordable? How does a relatively new scientific area, anthroponutritiology, help to build customized diet plans?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Dmitrij Samsonov
Photo Andrey Luft

What are the developments in smart agriculture today? RAS Corresponding Member Vyacheslav Yakushev explains in his interview

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

Vladimir Dmitrievich Kuznetsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Director of the N. V. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN) speaks about the influence of the Sun on the Earth and about the work of the IZMIRAN Space Weather Prediction Center.

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Andrey Luft
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What do we know about antimatter today? We asked this question to Alexander Dolgov, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Director of the Novosibirsk State University Interdisciplinary Center of Elementary Particle Physics and Astrophysics

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

Academician Gennady Sukhikh, Director of the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Named After Academician Vladimir Kulakov, on genetic research, pandemic challenges, and the immensity of evolution

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

How secure is the World Wide Web? What are ways to develop information hygiene? What can the loss of control over information technology result in?

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Andrey Luft
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

Academician Valery Anatolyevich Rubakov, Chief Researcher at the Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and Head of the Neutrino and Particle Astrophysics project, describes the most sensational project results in his interview with Scientific Russia

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Olga Merzlyakova
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

In his interview with Scientific Russia, the cardiologist speaks about the prevention of these diseases and a new MSU and foreign scientists’ joint development, that is, a unique artificial valve for closed-chest heart valve replacement.

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What is modern Africa like? How true are the popular stereotypes about this continent? What stage are Russia-Africa relations currently at?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Photo Andrey Luft

What is the state of the languages of the peoples of the North today? When did a writing system appear in the Nenets language? What actions do scholars take to preserve these languages?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

The amount of vapor in the atmosphere has increased by 4% since the mid-1990s. How significant is the impact of water vapor on climate change?

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Olga Merzlyakova
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

In over two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals have determined precisely that the novel coronavirus infection negatively affects patients with cardiovascular diseases

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

Why does the immune system attack the body? How does stress cause autoimmune reactions? Ekaterina Anatolyevna Troshina, RAS Corresponding Member, answers these questions

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

In her interview, Candidate of Geographical Sciences and Head of the Northern Water Problems Institute at the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KarRC RAS) Larisa Evgenyevna Nazarova discusses climate change in the White Sea region and her research on Northern waters. 

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What role do viruses play in our evolution, how do they spread, and what interesting features do they have? Aleksey Dmitrievich Zaberezhny, RAS Corresponding Member, Head of the All-Russia Scientific Research and Technological Institute of Biological Industry (VNITIBP), answers these questions.

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Andrey Luft
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

Over the past decade, young researchers, students, and postgrads from all over Russia have been undertaking expeditions to the northern seas onboard research vessels Professor Molchanov and Mikhail Somov

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

How did psycholinguistics arise? What is known today about the connection between consciousness and speech? How do psycholinguists describe language?

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What do astronauts eat? How have approaches to space diets and their production technologies changed? What kind of research is conducted to provide astronauts with food during long-term missions?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Photo Andrey Luft

On April 12, the world celebrates the date of the first human flight into space. Throughout this month we are going to talk about space discoveries, theories, and everyday aspects of traveling across the Universe

Author Polina Ostrizhnaya

Alexander Mikhailovich answered journalists’ questions, including uncomfortable ones

Author Ida Novikova
Photo Nikolay Malakhin
Photo Olga Merzlyakova
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

Has the Gzhel pottery always been blue and white? Where did the recognizable Gzhel rose come from? How did a Voronezh artist revive the Russian traditional industry?

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva

Today, information streams are so fast that it is extremely difficult to keep track even of current affairs, while remembering something large seems infeasible. However, the ancient Greeks came up with a way to keep a lot of information in


Maria Vasilyevna Klenova paved the way to the coldest continent of the planet


Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the CRI of Tuberculosis, Doctor of Medical Sciences Natalia Karpina tells us about modern approaches to tuberculosis treatment and diagnostics 

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Photo Andrey Luft


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The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it

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