News, page #28
Rosalind Franklin’s story is one of the examples that Margaret Rossiter uses in her 1993 research dedicated to the Matilda Effect
What was the beginning of the path of the young cardiologist? How has the pandemic affected medical education? Why is continuity important in medicine?
Main topic: Humoral and cell-mediated immunity systems and COVID-19
In our article, which opens the thematic week before International Women's Day, we’ll speak on the history of the holiday
Pigeons distinguish Monet from Picasso, ants can count, and crows can understand symbols. And what else is known about the cognitive abilities of animals? What are their unique abilities, and what are ours?
In the autumn of 2021, the Russian Government approved a long-term strategy for low-carbon development until 2050
Vasily Golovnin fought in many naval battles and made two circumnavigations of the globe. However, his calling card for posterity is his memoirs about his adventures in Japanese captivity
How do physical factors, processes in the seas affect aquatic ecosystems? Why study the changes in phytoplankton blooms in different seas? How are these processes related to climate change?
In our article, we talk about the life and work of outstanding scientists, which opens the thematic week for the Defender of the Fatherland Day
How will the new platform of the nuclear industry solve the problems of handling and storing spent nuclear fuel? Will it be green? By Vyacheslav Pershukov, Head of the Proryv Project
Natalia Borisovna Osipova, a journalist and head of the Nuremberg: Casus Pacis project, talks about how the famous trial of the Nazis took place, and about the project
On February 21, 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick proposed a structural model of DNA, the double helix
Had Thomas Edison lived in our time, he would have been surprised by the number of light bulbs that have appeared in our world, and he certainly would not have ended up with only one patent. Read more about the history of the light bulb, its design, and its modern types in our article
It is not a problem to send a text or a photo today, the only thing you need is the internet connection. Sending a parcel is a different story – new technologies are also involved in the delivery of goods, food, and medicine today
The scientist spoke about the mysteries of quasars, the study of the early Universe and deep space exploration, and, of course, about LPI RAS projects and his own path to science
Headset, connection to oxygen, information on the visor, and even virtual reality – today pilots have a full-fledged computer. Not at all like the helmets of the early 20th century
Which immunity is most effective against coronavirus, what will happen after Omicron, and how to measure T-cell immunity with a skin test? Areg Artemovich Totolyan, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute, answered these and other questions in an interview with Scientific Russia
The leading Russian theoretical physicist Sergey Krasnikov talks about the existing theories and concepts shown in the Tenet movie
14 февраля родился ученый, просветитель и бессменный автор передачи "Очевидное - невероятное" Сергей Петрович Капица
Read about the first steps of mankind in recording sounds – mechanical recording devices in this Scientific Russia article
On February 10, 2009, the collision of artificial satellites in Earth orbit was registered for the first time
On February 9, 1897, the first population census of the Russian Empire was held
Reports of young scientists – laureates of the Presidential Prize in Science and Innovation were presented at the meeting and issues of cooperation with African countries were discussed
Scientific Russia publishes the final article of the series dedicated to the unique science of the Republic of Karelia
How often have you been advised to look at the world differently? To remove the rose-colored glasses, to take a look at something at a different angle, to become simpler, or, on the contrary, a little more serious. We are ready to suggest you do the same, but in a much more interesting way. Let's have a look at the world through the eyes of our pets.
Recalling the achievements of a famous sociologist and agrarian economist
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What did Fock mean when he said that Einstein hadn’t understood his own theory? What principles was Einstein's theory of gravity meant to be based on? Why did Einstein doubt the completeness of quantum theory?