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News, page #25


Scientists from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) in Vladivostok are conducting a comprehensive analysis of living conditions in the Far Eastern region to assess the level of migration loss and determine the preconditions for the depopulation growth

Author Olesya Farberovich

Tyumen scientists develop the ideas of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.I. Nesterov, which have become the theoretical basis of fundamental research and experimental work in the view of studying the process of formation of oil fields

Author Olesya Farberovich

The head of the Center for Aquaculture and Coastal Resources at the National Scientific Center for Marine Biology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences tells about the benefits of Far East and advanced cultivation technologies

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachov
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

Learn more about AIDS and express your support for people diagnosed with this terrible disease. The symbol for AIDS awareness is a red ribbon. World AIDS Day takes place on December 1


Identity verification technology has evolved from a paper document with a seal, which was easy to forge, to systems that can accurately determine if a person in front is the one they claim to be


Scientific Russia continues publishing a series of articles dedicated to the natural wealth of Karelia and development of science in the region. Today we will introduce the unique Karelian petroglyphs – the UNESCO world heritage sites

Author Ida Novikova
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachov
Video Alexey Kornoukhov

Scientific Russia talked about extreme medicine and the work of the Burnasyan Center with Alexander Samoylov – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director General of Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of the FMBA of Russia

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachov
Video Alexey Kornoukhov

Vologda scientists study the problems of ensuring balanced spatial development of the northern regions of Russia in context of solving strategic tasks of the country development



Volgograd scientists are conducting long-term monitoring of farmland in arid areas of the European part of Russia to identify the degree and dynamics of desertification


In 2029, Russian scientists plan to send a research mission to Venus. This will be the first research in the history of modern Russia


In recent years, scientists have noted that the information load on a person has increased significantly over the past half-century


In the Year of Science and Technology, the number of scientific news, publications about new development projects, technology, and research has increased significantly


Kuban scientists are engaged in the study of value orientations, social attitudes, and identities of the younger generation in the era of digitalization and globalization

Author Olesya Farberovich

Scientists from the Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences measure greenhouse gas concentrations over the south of Western Siberia


Scientific Russia talked with Marina Kinkulkina, head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, about the autumn blues, the influence of covid on the psyche, and the fascination with gadgets

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Nikolay Malakhin
Video Alexey Kornoukhov

Scientific Russia visited the 2 billion years old Girvas paleovolcano

Author Ida Novikova
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachov
Video Alexey Kornoukhov

What neural mechanisms allow us to enjoy solving visual problems and recognizing unusual images?

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva

“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”


Karelian scientists study the current situation of the Cervidae family populations, among them is the endangered Finnish forest reindeer

Author Olesya Farberovich

Under Babakin’s leadership, Mars 3, Venera 7, Luna 9, and other spacecraft were created.


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Billions of dollars are spent on research in the field of laser thermonuclear fusion. Why is it needed and what successful experiments have already been done? Speaker: Mikhail Leonidovich Shmatov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

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