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Interviews, page #6


Alexander Grigorievich Chuchalin, Academician, Professor, a founder of the Russian pulmonology school, Chairman of the Bioethics Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy in the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, talks about the doctor-patient relationship, bioethics, and ethical education in his interview with Scientific Russia

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

In his interview with Scientific Russia, the cardiologist speaks about the prevention of these diseases and a new MSU and foreign scientists’ joint development, that is, a unique artificial valve for closed-chest heart valve replacement.

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What is modern Africa like? How true are the popular stereotypes about this continent? What stage are Russia-Africa relations currently at?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Photo Andrey Luft

What is the state of the languages of the peoples of the North today? When did a writing system appear in the Nenets language? What actions do scholars take to preserve these languages?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

The amount of vapor in the atmosphere has increased by 4% since the mid-1990s. How significant is the impact of water vapor on climate change?

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Olga Merzlyakova
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

In over two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals have determined precisely that the novel coronavirus infection negatively affects patients with cardiovascular diseases

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

Why does the immune system attack the body? How does stress cause autoimmune reactions? Ekaterina Anatolyevna Troshina, RAS Corresponding Member, answers these questions

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

In her interview, Candidate of Geographical Sciences and Head of the Northern Water Problems Institute at the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KarRC RAS) Larisa Evgenyevna Nazarova discusses climate change in the White Sea region and her research on Northern waters. 

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What role do viruses play in our evolution, how do they spread, and what interesting features do they have? Aleksey Dmitrievich Zaberezhny, RAS Corresponding Member, Head of the All-Russia Scientific Research and Technological Institute of Biological Industry (VNITIBP), answers these questions.

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Andrey Luft
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

Over the past decade, young researchers, students, and postgrads from all over Russia have been undertaking expeditions to the northern seas onboard research vessels Professor Molchanov and Mikhail Somov

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

How did psycholinguistics arise? What is known today about the connection between consciousness and speech? How do psycholinguists describe language?

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov

What do astronauts eat? How have approaches to space diets and their production technologies changed? What kind of research is conducted to provide astronauts with food during long-term missions?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Photo Andrey Luft

Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the CRI of Tuberculosis, Doctor of Medical Sciences Natalia Karpina tells us about modern approaches to tuberculosis treatment and diagnostics 

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Photo Andrey Luft

What was the beginning of the path of the young cardiologist? How has the pandemic affected medical education? Why is continuity important in medicine?

Photo Anastasiya Rogacheva
Video Alexey Kornoukhov

Pigeons distinguish Monet from Picasso, ants can count, and crows can understand symbols. And what else is known about the cognitive abilities of animals? What are their unique abilities, and what are ours? 

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

In the autumn of 2021, the Russian Government approved a long-term strategy for low-carbon development until 2050

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Video Dmitrij Samsonov
Photo Andrey Luft

How do physical factors, processes in the seas affect aquatic ecosystems? Why study the changes in phytoplankton blooms in different seas? How are these processes related to climate change?

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov
Photo Elena Librik
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

How will the new platform of the nuclear industry solve the problems of handling and storing spent nuclear fuel? Will it be green? By Vyacheslav Pershukov, Head of the Proryv Project

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksandr Kozlov

Natalia Borisovna Osipova, a journalist and head of the Nuremberg: Casus Pacis project, talks about how the famous trial of the Nazis took place, and about the project

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Elena Librik
Video Alexey Kornoukhov

The scientist spoke about the mysteries of quasars, the study of the early Universe and deep space exploration, and, of course, about LPI RAS projects and his own path to science

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Nikolay Malakhin
Video Aleksandr Kozlov

Which immunity is most effective against coronavirus, what will happen after Omicron, and how to measure T-cell immunity with a skin test? Areg Artemovich Totolyan, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute, answered these and other questions in an interview with Scientific Russia

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Elena Librik

The leading Russian theoretical physicist Sergey Krasnikov talks about the existing theories and concepts shown in the Tenet movie

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

What is the role of genes in our lives and what are the benefits of personalized medicine? Read about this in an interview with the Director of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS Corresponding Member Vadim Anatolyevich Stepanov

Author Anastasia Ibragimova
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

What did astrophysicists see on the unique X-ray map of the universe obtained by the eROSITA telescope of the Spektr-RG observatory? By Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Marat Gilfanov

Author Anastasiya Rogacheva
Photo Andrey Luft
Video Dmitrij Samsonov

Oleg Dmitrievich Kononov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Advisor to the Director of FECIAR UrB RAS, talks about the Arctic tundra, reclamation science, and the shortage of personnel in agriculture

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Elena Librik
Video Aleksandr Kozlov

Alexandra Viktorovna Frolova – candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of the department of Russian people of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Science, tells about Christmas fortune-telling, Christmas trees, and celebration traditions in cities and villages

Author Yanina Khuzhina
Photo Nikolay Mokhnachov
Video Aleksandr Kozlov


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The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it

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