Interviews, page #3
Is it possible to create pocket analyzers of food and medicine quality? So that you could go to the store or the market, apply the device to it and see if you should buy it or not. Yes, it is possible!
The use of light for traditional illumination takes a back seat. Light becomes an essential element of technologies instead. Grigory Sokolovsky dwells upon how it is related to semiconductor lasers.
Forests cover almost a half of Russia’s territory. What functions, apart from economic ones, do forests have? We have learned it from Director of the Center for Ecological Problems and Forest Productivity of RAS, RAS correspondent member N. V. Lukina
So far, there is no generally accepted physical theory explaining the nature of ball lightning in the world
Can our computers be made more powerful, and what solutions can be used for it? When will quantum computer be issued? Academician Aleksandr Gorbatsevich reflects upon quantum system modeling
The methods of regenerative medicine are actively used for treating diseases and injuries, especially when the chances for recovery and even survival are low, while other therapy methods have exhausted themselves
How did the life began on the Earth? Was it born on the planet or brought from the space? Why did it develop in the way it did? These are the topics of our conversation with RAS academician Sergey Vladimirovich Rozhnov
Virtual and augmented reality, 3D modeling, and other scientific achievements have already found application in medicine
On the present and future of nanotechnologies in medicine and history of High Purity Biologicals Institute – RAS academician Mikhail Dubina
How does modern chemistry make it possible to obtain materials with promising features? Where can small particles capable of diagnosing and treating horrible diseases simultaneously find their niche in the epoch of biotechnologies?
Can we learn to predict cancer using the genetic test of saliva or blood and select the treatment that will help cope with this very type of tumor?
RAS correspondent member Aleksey Zhukov dwells upon achievements in creation of nanostructures at the cutting-edge laboratory of quantum optoelectronics in Saint Petersburg
Conversation with Academician Armais Albertovich Kamalov, director at Medical Research and Education Center University Clinic of Moscow State University (MSU), head of Urology and Andrology Department at the Fundamental Medicine Faculty of MSU.
We live in the period of real biological threats. Where will they come from and how to prevent them? Does biological terrorism exist? Was the present coronavirus let out of laboratory?
The exploration of Arctic Region, territory rich in mineral resources, is a key global trend today
South-African, British, Brazilian, Indian – these strains were marked by WHO as alarming on a global level. Are they worth the bother? News from the Mechnikov Institute
Vladimir Voevodin, Director of the MSU-Sarov Branch, Head of the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, talks about the unique branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Sarov
Interview with Nadezhda Smirnova, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language Stylistics
What are severe mycotic diseases? How can they be recognized and treated in time? Why are there more of these diseases now, amidst the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection?
Vladimir Nikolaevich Sigayev talks about the history of development of The Department Glass and Sitalls modern uses of glass
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The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it