In the course of parliamentary hearings at the Federation Council devoted to topic Scientific Human Resources: State, Development Trends and Growth Tools, one of the reports was made by director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), RAS academician Grigory Vladimirovich Trubnikov. “The unique value of JINR for Russia in the first turn and states acting as our partners lies in the fact that the highest integration form of international scientific cooperation is implemented in the format of our institute.” Russia is a full member of the elite club that draws the global research agenda. WE are proud of ambitious international research projects being implemented in Russia. I mean not only Dubna, but the Kurchatov Institute, Gatchina, Protvino, Moscow, Center of Fundamental medicine and Mathematics under Moscow State University, Novosibirsk Academic Town, Baikal Lake, Island of Russkiy, Nizhny Novgorod and Sarov scientific clusters. Thank to participation of JINR, our country has been seriously expanding its presence in global science. The construction of collider NICA, the facility of global scale, is being completed in Dubna. The project is implemented within the framework of cooperation among Russia, Germany, China and France. It is a huge experimental installation,” Grigory Trubnikov says.
From the speech by Grigory Trubnikov