Climate is a very important resource having a great impact on the future of our planet. Scientists have long been talking about climate protection. Everything consumed by the society eventually leaves it footprint on the planet. The specialists are sure that human activity makes an adverse effect on the climate, which leads to global warming, increase of ozone content in the atmosphere, natural disasters and changes in climate conditions. Consequently, people have to survive in deteriorating climate condition, which is their own fault. We must continuously clean up the environment from the wastes and reduce pollutions by way of ecological initiatives.
On May 15, many countries mark the International Climate Day. Though being unofficial, this holiday once again focuses the public’s attention to the fact how responsible our approach to protecting the climate should be. On this date, meteorologists again call upon the people to pay attention to the present climatic situation featuring one weather anomaly after another. The rise in greenhouse gas concentration is considered one of the most serious problems. The representatives of over 180 countries including Russia have approved the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The document contains general principles and guidelines for the states aimed at stabilizing the content of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. In 1997, the states adopted Kyoto Protocol which imposed the obligation on the countries to reduce the emissions in 2008-2012 if compared to the level of 1990. Besides, in 2007 the representatives of over 190 countries taking part in the UN conference on climate signed an international agreement with a call upon state leaders to take measures for reducing CO2 emissions.
Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse gases are produced naturally and play an important role for surviving of people and other living creatures retaining a part of solar heat and making our planet fit for living. A century and a half of industrialization, as well as clear deforestation and the use of certain methods in agriculture have led to the rise in greenhouse gas emissions. With growth in population and intensive economic development of countries, the volumes of their greenhouse gas emissions increase.
Here is a number of evidence-based patterns:
- the average global temperature directly depends on the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the Earth;
- the concentration of greenhouse gases has been constantly increasing since the start of industrial era, while the temperature has been rising respectively;
- CO2, the product of hydrocarbon fuel combustion, is one of the main greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Source – Ecology. Greenhouse Gas
Global Warming
Climatic changes have embraced the whole globe. Some countries suffer from abnormal heat and drought not knowing how to get rid of this trouble, while others face continuous rains and snow drifts. According to the majority of ecologists, global climatic changes are directly related to dramatic rise in average annual temperature on our planet which results in melting glaciers and rising water levels in the oceans. Along with the warming, we see the imbalance of all natural systems which leads to changes in precipitation regime, temperature anomalies and increase in frequency of such extreme natural phenomena as hurricanes, floods and droughts.
In 2015, the average temperature on the Earth was registered on the level of 1.02 degrees higher if compared to the first global observations. It is highly likely that the average temperature on the Earth will increase by over 2 degrees by 2100. The specialists believe that climatic changes caused by global warming may result in destructive consequences. About 30-40% of plants and animals may die out due to fast changes in climatic conditions.
Besides, a shift of climatic zones may occur: the changes in climatic conditions will become abrupt to the maximum: severe frost will give way to thaw, while the number of hot days without precipitation will grow. Even now, the UN experts warn about such phenomena which will have negative impact on the life in underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The threats related to global warming include :
— the growth in repeatability, intensity and duration of droughts in some regions, and rise in the number of extreme precipitation cases, floods, and soil waterlogging ones in other areas;
— increased fire hazard affecting forests and peat bogs;
— violation of the traditional lifestyle that native peoples of the North are accustomed to;
— degradation of permafrost with detriment to buildings and utilities;
— violation of ecological balance that will lead to some biological species ousting the others;
— growth of electric power consumption for air-conditioning in summer season on the major part of the country.
Natural Resources
According to preliminary calculations presented by the scientists, the number of those starving may rise by 600 million people by 2080. Climatic changes will not bypass the most important natural resource on the plant – fresh water. Severe water shortage will be observed, and it will happen in the countries with arid climate (Central Asia, Mediterranean, South Africa and Australia) first of all.
Source - Water Resources
Naturally, it depends on each of us whether the climate will be preserved and protected. We must replenish in full measure what we consume taking it from nature. It is not so hard to accomplish these tasks. For instance, one can drive a car less often, use energy-saving sources of power in their apartment, plant trees, and protect green spaces from pests. Any person can easily cope with these tasks and make a contribution to preservation and protection of climate and nature.
Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.
Climate by 2070: heat threatens to billions of people.
Meteovesti (Meteorological News). International Climate Day.
Source of image in the text - International Climate Day
Source of image on the homepage - Meteovesti