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News, page #18


Recalling the achievements of an outstanding scientist


Read about the properties, characteristics, processing, and use of graphite in our article.


Can you imagine a liger or a pluot? It sounds like a spell and looks completely unbelievable. However, this is not the result of a magical act, but a gradual achievement of selective breeding.

Author Polina Ostrizhnaya

On August 21, 1954, the first primary diamond deposit – a kimberlite pipe later named “Zarnitsa” (“Heat Lightning”) — was discovered in Yakutia

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

Arkhangelsk scientists have proposed a method for detecting and identifying trematodes in freshwater snails without any visual examination; this will help assess the parasitic situation in the environment


Scientists help understand where fires will occur in advance, as well as to prepare the liquids that are more effective than water


During space flights, the human body has to sustain enormous pressure: the heavy spacesuit, isolation from the usual “earthly” life, emotional and mental stress. Nutrition is vital under such conditions

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

How were the first tokamaks created and when can we expect the first fusion power plants to appear?

Author Anastasia Penzina
Photo Nikolay Malakhin
Video Aleksandr Kozlov

On August 19, 1947, Dutch chemists David Adriaan van Dorp and Josef Ferdinand Arens synthesized vitamin A or retinol for the first time in history. The same year Otto Isler introduced the vitamin into production.

Author Polina Ostrizhnaya

This holiday was first celebrated in our country in 2020


On August 17, 1771, priest, philosopher, and naturalist Joseph Priestley discovered the process of photosynthesis

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

To rise above the sky, take a look at the planet from above, spend a few minutes in zero gravity – and then come back to Earth. Suborbital flights in July revived interest in space tourism, which had been forgotten for the past 10 years


Kittinger’s 31 km jump was recognized as the longest free fall in history


Crimean researchers have put the main focus on Russian literature of Crimea from the period of the Revolution and the Civil War, which has played a major role in understanding the historical literary process in Russia

Author Olesya Farberovich

The origins of this professional holiday are unknown

Author Polina Ostrizhnaya

Have you ever thought about the fact that people can see the world differently?  For some people the apple is red, but for others the apple is green. And it's not about psychology at all. Today we are going to talk about color blindness.

Author Polina Ostrizhnaya

Today it is known in Russia and abroad as the “Kurchatov Institute.” Yet when it was founded, the facility was called Laboratory No.2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The order for its establishment was signed on August 14, 1943


American housewives were asked to taste coffee from four different cups. Sitting nearby, there were boxes in various colors: brown, blue, red, and yellow. When the women were asked what they thought of the drink, the results were...


One can say that we are in control of ourselves without a doubt. Thousands of years of evolution have never corrected what nature intended. Our behavior is largely dependent on a little molecule called “dopamine” 

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova

Sergey Ivanov on the development of modern physics and the main research directions of Ioffe Institute

Author Anastasia Penzina
Video Aleksandr Kozlov
Photo Nikolay Malakhin


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How can technology of remote sensing of the Earth keep track of wildfires, oceanic processes, volcanic activity, and urban development?

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