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News, page #13


We live in the period of real biological threats. Where will they come from and how to prevent them? Does biological terrorism exist? Was the present coronavirus let out of laboratory?

Video Aleksandr Kozlov
Author Nataliya Leskova
Photo Andrey Luft

We commemorate the achievements of a great scientist


In the Year of Science and Technology, the Nemchinovka Federal Research Center celebrates its 90th anniversary. Unique high-yielding varieties enable to provide all regions of Russia with grain

Author Anna Posokhova

In the Year of Science and Technology the Nemchinovka Federal Research Center celebrates its 90th anniversary, holding a conference titled Modern Applications of Innovative Technologies to Address Problems of the Agricultural Industry Complex

Author Anastasia Penzina
Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova
Author Alexander Burmistrov
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

On July 7th, a bilateral agreement on scientific cooperation between Russia and Bulgaria was signed in the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The Pugwash Conference was held for the first time on July 7th, 1957


Obituary on the world-famous physicist Vladislav Pustovoyt, RAS academician, winner of five State Prizes. He was 84 years old.


We mourn the untimely death of Vladislav Ivanovich Pustovoyt, RAS Academician, aged 84


On July 6th, 1885, Louis Pasteur, a French chemist and biologist, ventured to vaccinate humans against rabies. Until then the bite of an infected animal had been absolutely fatal

Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

On July 5th, 1881, Egyptologist Emil Brugsch discovered an ancient Egyptian tomb with graves of pharaohs


Researchers from the Federal Comprehensive Arctic Studies Center of the Urals Department of RAS together with their colleagues from the Republic of Crimea (in Simferopol) are researching the degree of Internet engagement among high school students

Author Olesya Farberovich

On July 4th, 2012, CERN scientists announced the discovery of the Higgs boson

Author Anastasia Ibragimova

On July 3rd, 1835, construction of the main building of Pulkovo Astronomic Observatory began


The International Meeting on Superheavy Elements was held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna


Could anyone circle the globe in 80 days? What if we cut that down to 13 days?


The Hubble Space Telescope generates about 480 GB of data every month as it performs observations. Throughout its existence it has been able to “reach” celestial bodies that cannot be seen from the surface of the Earth.


Research into unknown regions of the periodic table promises the creation of new materials that can include superheavy elements. This was discussed from June 30th to July 2nd in JINR in Dubna

Photo Andrey Luft
Video Ilshat Shugaev
Author Aleksandr Burmistrov

South-African, British, Brazilian, Indian – these strains were marked by WHO as alarming on a global level. Are they worth the bother? News from the Mechnikov Institute

Photo Nikolay Mokhnachev
Video Aleksey Kornoukhov
Author Alexander Burmistrov

Long COVID syndrome – the effects of coronavirus infection manifesting themselves as long-term symptoms in up 30% of COVID-19 patients


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Billions of dollars are spent on research in the field of laser thermonuclear fusion. Why is it needed and what successful experiments have already been done? Speaker: Mikhail Leonidovich Shmatov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

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