List of partner`s “Russian Academy of Sciences” materials, page #1
Specialists of the NP Energy Center at the IPCP RAS in Chernogolovka near Moscow have created Russia’s first autonomous hydrogen refueling station
Academician of RAS Viktor Savinykh, two times Hero of the Soviet Union, who has performed three spaceflights as onboard engineer, recalls his flights, reasons upon the importance of scientific research and education of the younger generation.
Station Luna-25 will start for the Moon in October 2021. What are the tasks of new Russian lunar mission? The answers are provided by Igor Mitrofanov, head of nuclear planetology department at the Space Research Institute (IKI) of RAS.
Previously, surgery has only been successful in 20% of liver cancer patients. Radioembolization can arrest tumor development. This treatment is now also available in Russia. On April 9, doctors performed four such procedures.
The quiz saw active participation by students from 67 schools collaborating on the RAS Basic Schools project launched by the Russian Academy of Sciences together with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Borok Geophysical Observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an extraordinary place where the magnetic properties of our planet and life itself as a wave phenomenon are studied
On April 2nd, an online press conference on the issues of “The Russian Academy of Sciences and the Future of Science and Technology in Yakutia” was held at the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency
On April 2nd, an online press conference of head of the RAS Alexander Mikhaylovich Sergeev and head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Aysen Sergeyevich Nikolayev was held
Online press conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific and Technological Future of Yakutia
On April 2, 2021, at 11:00 a.m., A. M. Sergeev, held an online press conference at the International Multimedia Press Center of Rossiya Segodnya International
Information provided by the Scientific Russia News Agency. Media outlet’s registration certificate: IA No. FS77-62580 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on July 31, 2015.
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Billions of dollars are spent on research in the field of laser thermonuclear fusion. Why is it needed and what successful experiments have already been done? Speaker: Mikhail Leonidovich Shmatov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences