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List of partner`s “Russian Academy of Sciences” materials, page #2


Candidate of chemistry Boris Tarasov dwells upon hydrogen energetics and energy accumulating methods developed at the Institute of Chemical Physics Problems (ICPP) RAS in Chernogolovka

Author Anastasia Penzina
Video Alexey Kornoukhov
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

Forward to summits of science: the journey from an intern to the head of a scientific center. And that’s just the beginning. Today, April 17, is the birthday of Academician Grigory Trubnikov

Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

Institute of Experimental Medicine is creating the world’s first edible vaccine against coronavirus. Alexander Sergeev commented on the unique development of scientists

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Author Ida Novikova
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

Institute of Experimental Medicine is creating the world’s first edible vaccine against coronavirus. Vladimir Chekhonin commented on the unique development by scientists

Video Dmitry Samsonov
Author Ida Novikova
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

World’s first vaccine against coronavirus in the form of dairy product is in the final stage of preclinical studies

Author Ida Novikova

“Problems of Immunorehabilitation of COVID-19 Patients: Role of Influenza/Pneumococcus Vaccines and Immunotropic Medications”


“Rehabilitation of patients suffering from consequences of coronavirus infection: scientifically justified strategies.”


TARGET-VIP: a prospective hospital register of patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus infection and community-acquired pneumonia

Author Natalya Malakhova
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

An online meeting of the RAS Scientific Council for Life Sciences

Video Alexey Kornoukhov
Anna Posokhova
Author Evgeniya Chernoskulova
Photo Nikolay Malakhin

Chemist Sherry J. Yennello called Yuri Oganessian “the grandfather of superheavy elements.” The last known elements of the periodic table were discovered with involvement of the Russian physicist. He is celebrating his birthday on April 14.

Information provided by the Scientific Russia News Agency. Media outlet’s registration certificate: IA No. FS77-62580 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on July 31, 2015.


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Billions of dollars are spent on research in the field of laser thermonuclear fusion. Why is it needed and what successful experiments have already been done? Speaker: Mikhail Leonidovich Shmatov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

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