News, page #21
Lifestyle and environment can influence the activity of our genes. As part of the Year of Science and Technology, we are talking about the young science of epigenetics
On September 25, 1838, the first electric boat was tested on the Neva River
On September 24, 1970, Luna 16, a Soviet automatic interplanetary station, delivered samples of lunar soil to Earth for the first time in world history
The aquatic ecosystems of the dry land intensively emit greenhouse gases. How and why? Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Stepanenko tells us about it
Paintings by microbes, clothes made of E. coli, glowing rabbits – let’s talk about BioArt
It’s dreadful even today: in a comfortable chair, after anesthesia. A couple of centuries ago, dental treatment was really a painful process. Learn about the development of dentistry in our article
Science Art is a branch of modern art, in which the artist uses scientific knowledge rather than paints and brushes
On September 20, 1862, a monument in honor of the millennial anniversary of the calling of the Varangians to Russia was erected in Veliky Novgorod
Algae produce about 80% of all organic substances on the planet
This product is mostly known as a common type of valuable fuel. However, in addition to gasoline, diesel, kerosene, fuel oil, and other energy products, petroleum is used to make many surprising things
Jean Foucault, a French physicist, who created the gyroscope and Foucault pendulum, was born on September 18, 1819
Ufa biologists have been working for many years to study the consequences of the spread and impact as well as harm assessment of invasive (aggressive) species on the biodiversity of the Southern Ural Mountains
The wheel is one of the oldest inventions, which laid the foundation for further development of human civilization
Remembering the achievements of an outstanding compatriot
What direction should the development of agriculture and plant breeding follow, how can we reduce the carbon footprint of the agricultural industry, and are plant breeders prepared to face the climate change?
The theory of chemical structure is the foundation of organic chemistry. Its creator, Alexander Butlerov, was born on September 15, 1828
In the 19th century, aluminum was more valuable than gold. But then, overnight, it almost devalued. Why this happened and what discovery balanced the ratio of precious metals, we will tell in our article
Remembering the achievements of an outstanding scientist
The debate about whether the screen will be able to replace paper still continues, but history demonstrates that over time, people always move to a more convenient and advanced information carrier
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What did Fock mean when he said that Einstein hadn’t understood his own theory? What principles was Einstein's theory of gravity meant to be based on? Why did Einstein doubt the completeness of quantum theory?