Articles, page #14
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On July 26, archaeologists celebrate Birch Bark Day
Why do we choose a video rather than a newspaper while having our morning cup of coffee? Is it our brain degradation or are we adapting to a new environment? We have gathered answers to the main questions in one place. Read and see for yourselves
On July 25th, 1978, the world’s first human conceived by artificial fertilization was born in England
Scientists at Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolRC RAS) are looking for approaches that would enable objective assessment of technological entrepreneurship in Russia, in order to develop effective measures to support it on the labor market and to set priorities
Over 100 km away from Moscow, north Moscow Region: Dubna. The town hosting the major nuclear physics research center in Russia was founded on July 24, 1956
IEM Director and RAS Professor Aleksandr Dmitriev spoke of the history of the oldest institute and of its main activity areas today
Next-generation 6g mobile communications will cost the world 100 billion dollars, and construction of new networks will begin in 10 years. This was disclosed in Skoltech. Scientific Russia recounts the history of mobile communications
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing people to leave big cities
100 years ago: On July 22, 1921, Soviet physicist Pyotr Kapitsa started working at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge
On July 21, 1983, the temperature of –87.2°С was registered at Vostok Station in the Antarctic. That earned the station the title of the “pole of cold”
There is a unique Russian-made proton therapy system operating at A. F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Scientific Center
The Veterinary Radiology Clinic of A.F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Scientific Center treats tumors in cats, dogs and even hedgehogs
The Division of X-ray Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment Methods at A.F.
Surgeons of A. F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Scientific Center have successfully performed a complex surgery removing a recurrent cervical tumor and reconstructing the bladder
On July 20, during a press tour to A.F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Scientific Center in Obninsk, the Scientific Russia portal and other invited journalists visited the Clinical Immunology Laboratory with the OncoBioBank group
On July 20, there was a press tour to A.F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Scientific Center
On July 20, during the press tour to A.F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Scientific Center in Obninsk, Andrey Kaprin, RAS Academician, Director General of the National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, answered journalists’ questions
With vaccinations the humanity has completely or almost completely forgotten the diseases that were killing people by hundreds of thousands or millions. We will tell you about vaccines that have profoundly changed people’s lives