В 106 г. до нашей эры родился оратор и древнеримский политик Марк Туллий Цицерон

He received an excellent education and played a prominent role in the history of Ancient Rome. But not only that – Cicero had a tangible impact on our lives. It was in his speeches that the expression O tempora, o mores first appeared. He was the first to note that it is natural for a person to make mistakes, and for a fool to insist on mistakes, and also that paper does not blush and will endure anything. Cicero gave us the expression “the father of history” in reference to Herodotus. He gave his name to the Cicero font, which was used to print his works for the first time, and to guides, who are sometimes referred to as “cicerone,” hinting that a guide's key quality is eloquence. And that is not all – we owe the very ability to read speeches made in ancient times to Cicero: his secretary, Tiro, invented shorthand signs. Apart from that, Cicero was engaged in philosophy – the mother of all sciences and medicine of the soul, in his own words. He did not make a revolution in science, but his works thoroughly and accurately describe the teachings of his great contemporaries. That was how he greatly influenced the posterity – St. Augustine, Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu. Especially the latter: the French philosopher borrowed his famous expression “a storm in a glass of water” from Cicero – he called noisy quarrels on a small occasion a tempest in a ladle.