3 октября 1932 года вышел первый номер газеты, напечатанной шрифтом Times New Roman

Experienced newspaper readers recognize their favorite publications without looking at titles and headings – by fonts only. Moreover, the newspaper font must match its style and content. These simple conclusions are quite old. The publishers of The Times, the most influential newspaper in the United Kingdom, had the same way of thinking.

When it was necessary to replace a poorly readable font with a new one, its publishers were to take into account the fact that the newspaper is read by ministers and lords. The first newspaper issue with a new font was released on October 3, 1932. The font was named Times New Roman. Times, of course, in honor of the newspaper, New – for it was new, and Roman in this case does not mean belonging to Catholic Church, but the fact that it is a Roman, i.e., straight, font.