Show allInformation provided by the Scientific Russia News Agency. Media outlet’s registration certificate: IA No. FS77-62580 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on July 31, 2015.
Show allWhy are we unable to outsmart the nature and reach the speed of light? How are particle accelerators connected with our daily life, and what is the difference between circular and linear installations?
From April 1, 2023, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is launching a project to introduce a digital ruble. What is the difference of the digital ruble from cash and noncash money?
What will SKIF, a multipurpose megascience installation for knowledge and technology of the future, be like?
Show allOn the International Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics, we would like to share our account of the most anticipated space missions and projects
Our planet has dozens of animal species commonly called “living fossils.” Today we will talk about the most outstanding representatives of the relic fauna
March 28th commemorates the 280th anniversary of the Princess’ birth
Electronic technologies
Show allFrom April 1, 2023, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is launching a project to introduce a digital ruble. What is the difference of the digital ruble from cash and noncash money?
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Billions of dollars are spent on research in the field of laser thermonuclear fusion. Why is it needed and what successful experiments have already been done? Speaker: Mikhail Leonidovich Shmatov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences