В 1934 году советские летчики сняли с дрейфующей льдины последнего «челюскинца»

Russian polar explorer Semyon Chelyuskin was a navigation officer in the Great Northern Expedition. In 1742 he reached the Northern cape of Eurasia which was named after him. However, he rose to fame 200 years later, thanks to an accident, strange as it may seem. In summer 1933, the crew of newly-built Chelyuskin steamship made an attempt to cover the Northern Sea Route within one navigation period. However, unlike the well-known proverb, it did hurt to try. Chelyuskin was crushed by ice in Chukchi Sea on February 13, 1934. The crew including elderly people, women and even kids with Otto Schmidt in charge disembarked onto an ice floe. The northern saga with lectures in philosophy in unheated tents aimed at preventing people from falling into despair, and the issue of wall newspaper We will not surrender! was over with a happy end exactly two months later. One should remember that it is no use traveling in the Arctic without an ice breaker.