В 1866 году приостановлен выход в свет книги И.М. Сеченова «Рефлексы головного мозга»

What was so unacceptable for the Russian authorities in the classic work of great Russian physiologist, future member of Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences? The propaganda of materialism was incriminated to him, and the authorities even intended to put the scientist on trial. When his friends, obviously alarmed, asked Sechenov whom of the lawyers he was going to hire for defending him, the quick-witted founder of Russian physiological school suggested… a frog. “What do I need a lawyer for?” Sechenov looked puzzled, “I will make my experiments right in front of the prosecutor, and let him prove that the results are wrong.” It appears that the frog frightened the prosecutor, as Sechenov’s fundamental work was published in the same year.