8 октября 1906 года впервые продемонстрировали долговременную завивку – перманент

The cream of the crop among London hairdressers gathered on Oxford Street, in the salon of Karl Ludwig Nessler. The owner presented his invention to the public – his own permanent method of creating curls with the latest achievements of chemical science. The procedure was quite lengthy: a patient client kept it a dozen curlers on her head for six hours in a row, each weighing 800 grams. But the result was also impressive: the curls did not just last for half a day or a day, but constantly, that is, permanently. Londoners liked the permanent wave, but the procedure seemed too expensive. The situation was changed by the beginning of World War I, from which Nessler escaped to the US. And there, American movie stars have paved the way for the permanent.