19 ноября 1824 года случилось катастрофическое наводнение на Неве

On November 7 (under the Julian calendar), the south-western wind grew stronger early in the morning. Let us turn to the chronicle of terrible flood described in the poem by Alexander Pushkin: “A terrible day! Neva was rushing to the sea for the whole night. The river would swell up, roar and rattle and suddenly attacked the city having become enraged like a beast.” The city could not stand such an attack: “Saint Petersburg was set afloat. Like a triton, it sank low in the water.” To be accurate, we should say that the water rose by 410 cm above the normal level. Such a flood is considered to be catastrophic under the scale used by meteorologists. Okay, the snobs of Saint Petersburg, how would you call the flood of 1908 in Moscow, when water rose by 8.9 meters above the normal level?