16 сентября 1859 года Дэвид Ливингстон открыл озеро Ньяса

“I will discover Africa or die,” the famous Christian missionary and explorer promised. He kept his promises for many years. He crossed Africa from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. Livingstone is credited with the great African discoveries. And Lake Nyasa, too. David Livingstone treated the indigenous African population with the greatest regard. This attitude manifested itself in the way he named his discoveries. He gave them the name used by the locals. Well, except Victoria Falls, which he named after British Queen Victoria. He named Lake Nyasa after his habit. The local tribe called it simply “the lake,” which was Nyasa in their language. Later, it was also named Malawi – by the name of the country that lies on its shores. A former British protectorate, the country was previously named Nyasaland.