Economist, author of the bestseller book "The History of an Economic Hit Man." His main goal was to convince the Third World countries to take huge loans for infrastructure development - much larger than necessary, and to ensure the issuance of contracts for construction work for such American corporations as the "Halliburton" and "Bechtel". Once these countries were burdened with huge debts, the US government and related international aid agencies gained control over the economy of these countries and thus were able to use oil and other resources of these countries to build a global empire.

MAIN TOPIC - "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"
We talk about life and methods of preparation of the special top-secret groups of "economic killers" - the highest level professionals, prepared to work with senior politics and economic leaders of countries interesting for the USA. J. Perkins reveals the secret mechanisms of the world economic policies and explains strange coincidences and accidents, that have recently changed our lives radically.