“Studying chemistry has double objective:
improvement of natural sciences
and increase in prizes of life.”
M.V. Lomonosov.
The science of substances – chemistry – offers a lot for life support. The object of chemistry lies in chemical elements, simple and compound substances formed of them, as well as the transformation of substances and chemical transformation laws. Studying the substances’ properties, experiments and research in micro-world make it possible to solve the mysteries of advent of life on the Earth, identify hidden elements and phenomena of human organism and other mysteries of nature. Everybody knows that none of the industries can work without using chemical reactions, decay products of chemical element compounds. The life on Earth directly depends on the results of chemical processes. Everything that we use in everyday life has been produced thanks to chemists to a large extent. These are home appliances, cosmetic products, pharmaceuticals, clothes, fuel for transport, construction materials and many other things.
Source: Chemist. Education Navigator
Every year, on the last Sunday of May, the Chemist’s Day is marked in Russia. During this professional holiday, we honor all workers of chemical and petrochemical industries. Officially, the Chemist’s Day was established by decree of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No.3018-X On Holiday and Memorable Dates. Now, the Chemist’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May in Russia. Ceremonial events, conferences, lectures, and presentations of different chemical experiments are held. On that day, chemists follow old traditions that are passed down through generations. The Chemist’s Day is the holiday of chemical scientists, students, teachers, postgraduates, specialists, chemists-engineers, and all those who directly deal with chemistry. The graduates of all chemical faculties successfully fulfill their potential in science, industry and business.
Based on open sources
Source of image in the text: Chemist. Education Navigator
Source of image on the homepage: Chemist’s Day