Today, on May 26, the Third International Moscow Academic Economic Forum (MAEF) devoted to topic Global Transformation of Modern Society and National Development Goals of Russia started its work. 

The representatives of expert and academic communities, public figures and statesmen gathered to discuss the current economic situation, possibility of sustainable development, main economic, social and technological challenges, as well as institutional contours of future society and the tools that would allow for reaching it. 

At the opening ceremony, the welcoming speeches were made by Alexander Sergeev, co-chairman of MAEF, president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS academician, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor; and Sergey Bodrunov, co-chairman of MAEF, president of the Free Economic Society of Russia, president of the International Union of Economists, director of the Vitte Institute of New Industrial Development, doctor of economics, professor. 

The Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO), Russian Academy of Sciences and International Union of Economists acted as the event organizers. 

The key topic was devoted to the country’s economic development, as well as the problems dealing with the development of science, innovations and digital technologies. The role of scientific knowledge in the global transformation of society was highlighted by the adviser to the RAS President Valery Chichkanov. 

“The Academy of Sciences in the alliance with the authorities and business finds areas of common interest for solving the challenges that we are facing today. A very important task of our country today lies in drawing the Socio-Economic Development Strategy and Scientific and Technological Development Strategy on the basis of the former concept. The science offers the answers to the questions as to what new professions, industries and competencies will be in demand. It gives recommendations to real economy, which turns them into reality,” Valery Chichkanov stressed.

One of the reports at the plenary session of the Forum was delivered by member of the VEO Presidium, academic director of the National Economic Forecasting Institute of RAS, RAS academician Boris Porfiryev The topic of his report was Green Vector of Global Economic Transformation and National Goals of Russia’s Development. 


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“The green vector of global economy is a trend that includes two areas: greening of production and daily living activities, as well as the climatic topic, which was mentioned by Alexander Sergeev at the opening ceremony. Hence, we face the questions of changing the structure of production and our daily living activities,” Boris Porfiryev emphasized.



Director of the Institute for Economics and Organizing Industrial Production of RAS Valery Kryukov dwelled upon the tasks facing Russia in the period of the society’s global transformation.

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“The primary objective at present is taking care of the people and raising the level of opportunities for every Russian citizen to unlock their potential. It is the main thing today. This task requires scientific development, measures of support and the broad spectrum of activities that we have talked about today,” Valery Kryukov said. 


Director of the Nikonov Russian Institute of Agricultural problems and Informatics (VIAPI), RAS academician Alexander Petrikov devoted his speech to the challenges facing our country.

“The global markets place heightened requirements upon our country with respect to its competitive ability. We have to be competitively viable today and therefore should activate economic mechanisms, stimulate technological advances and think about the social consequences of these processes. We ought to position our economy in a new way, look for new opportunities of presence in global markets and expand the limits of this presence,” Alexander Petrikov stressed.

One of the Forum’s topics was devoted to biotechnologies as the progress in the field of bioeconomy. The respective report was delivered by academic director of the Fundamental Pillars of Biotechnology Federal Research Center, RAS academician Vladimir Popov.

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“Biotechnologies trigger the change of paradigm. The concept of bioeconomy becomes a dominating one for many countries and regions,” he emphasized.




Academician of the International Academy of Ecological Security and Natural Resource Management, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Yevgeny Naumov commented on the role of science in present conditions. 

“On the one hand, science means interesting discoveries in the field of fundamental research, new technologies created by talented inventors and engineers, as well as the staff training system and education. It is also about the youth. Today we have taken part in awarding the young specialists presenting interesting works. It shows that our future looks promising,” Naumov said. 

The Forum hosted an exhibition of scientific publications comprising the papers issued by the Free Economic Society, Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta Publishing House, Vitte Institute of New Industrial Development (INID), Financial University under the Russian Government, and Plekhanov Russian Economic University.

Among the editions displayed, there were the Scholar Papers of the Free Economic Society of Russia. It is a scientific edition publishing the materials of round tables and conferences organized by the VEO of Russia, the articles by leading scientists and specialists, statesmen and public figures devoted to the most important aspects of national and global economic development, analytical materials and reviews, the papers in history of socio-economic thought’s development, the records of round tables, conferences and other scientific discussions held by the VEO of Russia and its regional subdivisions. 

Besides, the Forum participants could get acquainted with magazine Free Economy which presents even the most sophisticated topics in a simple and laconic way. Interviews with leading scientists and promising politicians, proprietary content by the most outstanding experts, analytical papers, trends and history of economic thought – all these materials can be found on the pages of Volnaya Ekonomika (Free Economy) journal.

One more edition of the Free Economic Society is Besedy ob Ekonimike (Conversations about Economy) journal. On its pages, the renowned economists discuss relevant problems in the form of live dialog. The ideas, analytical content and estimates set out in this book often become parts of various state programs.