В 1967 г. Коллегия Госплана Украины рекомендовала разместить в Киевской области атомную электростанцию

The name of the future power plant was Chernobyl in this document. Power supplies to the republic was an all-Union affair. The corresponding resolutions were issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the USSR Council of plant is located in Kiev Region Ministers. In these documents, the future plant was modestly called a state district power plant rather than a nuclear power plant. Nonetheless, the scientific leader of the project was the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, while its chief designer was the Scientific Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building that hid the entire Soviet atom – both peaceful and not very peaceful – under its neutral name. The station was built in a completely Soviet way: sometimes slowly, sometimes in an emergency mode. However, the first power unit consisting of two turbine generators was commissioned in late 1977. Then the process accelerated and so the last, the fourth power unit, reached its design capacity of one thousand megawatts by the spring of 1984. By August, they reported on generating one hundred billion kilowatt-hours of electric power by the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. However, the power plant had not operated even for two years at its full capacity. At 1:23 overnight into April 26, 1986, the fourth power unit suffered a meltdown. There are many versions explaining why this happened, but no one has established the only exact cause of the accident.