В 1854 г. родился Шерлок Холмс

Appearance: lean build, over six feet tall, thin aquiline nose, square and slightly protruding chin, sharp and piercing eyes, somewhat raspy voice. Hobbies: chemistry, playing the violin. Has a weakness for Turkish baths. Favorite newspapers: The Daily Telegraph, The Times. Published works: the brochures Determination of Tobacco Varieties by Ash and The Guide to Bee Breeding, works on footprints, on the influence of a person's profession on the hand shape, the monograph Lassus' Polyphonic Motets. Marital status: single. Address: 221b Baker Street, London. Name: Sherlock Holmes. The date of birth is missing. Conan Doyle did not mention it. To be more precise, he mentioned the year – 1854 – in the short story His Last Bow, while Holmes enthusiasts had to determine the date using the deductive method. The reasoning was elementary: Holmes, a stranger to poetry, quotes Twelfth Night twice. Therefore, the detective's fans decided, he was born on the twelfth night after Christmas. Therefore, today, on January 6, the detective of all times and peoples turned 159 years old. And he is indeed immortal – at least as long as people read and think.