10 сентября  по новому стилю 1872 года родился ученый и писатель Владимир Клавдиевич Арсеньев

A street in Vladivostok, museums in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, a glacier in Kamchatka, a volcano on the Kuril Islands were named after the outstanding scientist and writer Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev. There is also a city in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin and it is only fair given that Arseniev first explored the Sikhote-Alin mountain system in detail.

In childhood, he decided to dedicate his life to the military career but luckily he studied geography under the traveler M.Ye. Grum-Grzhimaylo at the military school. He infected Arseniev with the neverending interest towards his science and the Far East, which was almost unexplored at the time. During his official business and leisure time, Arseniev undertook many expeditions in Primorye, described its relief and first explored the Sikhote-Alin mountain system in detail. Arseniev also conducted ethnic studies – he told about the life and customs of the Primorye indigenous population. In geology, he found unknown sources of the largest rivers in the region and obtained the first details about their depths, flow patterns. In meteorology, too: Vladimir Klavdievich singled out two zones with a drastically different climate. On expeditions, Arseniev was accompanied by guides from among the natives. There were over twenty guides and Arseniev immortalized one of them, Dersu Uzala, in his popular novel that Akira Kurosawa used to direct an Academy award-winning movie. Today, both Kurosawa and Maxim Munzuk who portrayed Dersu and Yury Solomin who portrayed Arseniev are honorary citizens of the town of Arseniev in Primorsky Kray, which was named after the outstanding scientist.