Unlike us who breathe easily, it is hard for these people to inhale air and get oxygen. They use special equipment for improving the circulation of oxygen in organism. The issue in question is about asthma patients.

Translated from Greek, asthma means heavy breathing. Its development directly depends on environmental factors and genetic predisposition. However, the specialists say that timely and correctly planned preventive measures can lead to recovery. 

It is not by chance that such attention is paid to this problem. According to WHO, asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. 300 million people are asthma patients. The World Asthma Day was established to help people to combat this treacherous disease and make life easier for asthma patients. The main goal of this initiative lies in attracting public attention to the problem of growth in incidence of asthma, raising the level of medical care for patients and people’s awareness about this disease. Over the past 10 years, bronchial asthma has transformed from relatively rare disease into the one diagnosed in 950,000 Russian citizens according to official statistics alone. Little kids are very often amenable to bronchial asthma, and this disease may develop within 5-10 years in them.

Bronchial asthma may often proceed under the guise of other diseases: acute and chronic bronchitis, COPD, pneumonia, tuberculosis or other respiratory, neurological and cardiovascular disorders. For treating bronchial asthma, physicians prescribe to the patients anti-inflammatory drugs to be taken regularly intended for maintaining good state of health for a long time, as well as bronchodilatory medications for stopping asthma attacks quickly, various inhalers, aerosols and other solutions. Unfortunately, unfavorable environmental situation, abnormal climatic changes, and general deterioration of people’s health lead to continuous growth in the number of people amenable to bronchial asthma. In connection with this, it is important to attract special attention to the problem of taking the development of this disease under control to the maximum.

Facts about Asthma

It is the most common chronic disease among children. Asthma constitutes a problem of public healthcare system not only the states with high level of income, as people in all countries irrespective of their well-being and level of development are amenable to it. However, the majority of fatal outcomes caused by asthma occur in the countries with low and average low level of income. Insufficient level of diagnostics and treatment create serious problems for individual people and families. This disease may often impose restrictions on the activities of patients throughout their life. 

The factors that may cause bronchial asthma: 

  • genetic predisposition, i.e., heredity; 
  • allergens inside the premises (for instance, house dust mites in bed clothes and items, carpets and soft furniture, air contamination and dandruff of pets);
  • allergens outdoors (like pollens and mildew); 
  • tobacco smoke;
  • chemical irritants at workplace; 
  • air contamination.

Initiating factors also include cold air, strong emotional excitement (anger, fear) and physical exertion. Asthma may be caused by some medications, like aspirin and other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as medicines used to treat hypertension, cardiac diseases and migraine. All these factors may aggravate the condition of the patient suffering from bronchial asthma. However, they can hardly make impact on the course of disease, if correct treatment is chosen. 


Based on open sources.

Source of image in the text – World Asthma Day

Source of image on the homepage – World Asthma Day