В 1930 году основаны МАИ, МИСИ, МЭИ и МХТИ

When industrialization began in the USSR there were few technical higher educational establishments for training personnel. One of them was the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) having pre-revolution history and rich experience. The authorities thought that this experience should be shared, and the Supreme Council of National Economy ruled to divide MVTU into five separate establishments. Along with MVTU, the list of them included the Higher Aeromechanical College that later grew into Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Higher School of Civil Engineering that later grew into Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering (MISI), Higher Power Engineering School which would be later called Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), and Higher School of Chemical Technology (future Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology – (MICT). Moreover, about 15 establishments more in Moscow alone enrolled students in the same year. The country made a leap forward.