В 1921 году получен белок, снижающий уровень сахара в крови

In 1920, young teacher of pharmacology Frederick Banting read an article saying that in case of pancreatic duct blockage the major part of pancreas cells degrade, while islets of Langerhans responsible for producing insulin remain undamaged. The young scientist was so excited that he could not fall asleep. At 2 a.m. the insomnia bore fruit. An idea came to his mind, and he noted it down in order not to forget: “Bind the dog’s ducts, wait for 6-8 weeks, extract the remains of pancreas, and try to release medicinal substance.” Armed with this idea energetic Canadian ran to talk to professor Macleod. The head of physiology department first ridiculed his disciple, but then changed his anger to mercy and placed a laboratory, dogs and an assistant at Banting’s disposal. The result was not long in coming – on March 3, 1921 Banting and his assistant obtained the protein evidently reducing blood sugar levels. The world showed its gratitude to Banting in the form of Nobel Prize and establishment of World Diabetes Day which is marked on November 14.