В 1921 г. прошло первое собрание литературной группы «Серапионовы братья»

Who were the writers getting together in the room of Mikhail Slonimsky located in Moika, 59, former house of merchant Yeliseyev, which was later named the Petrograd House of Arts? They were Fedin, Tikhonov and Kaverin, whose books were later included into Soviet anthologies, Ivanov and Zoschenko criticized by the authorities, as well as wrongly forgotten Nikitin, Slonimsky, Lunts, Polonskaya and Gruzdev. Why “Serapion”? By pure accident, Slonimsky explains, it was that the book by Hoffmann was lying on the table, while hermit Serapion is one of its main characters. Why “brotherhood”? Well, it is the echo of the age. Initially non-ideological, dealing with the word and plot alone, celebrating personal liberties, his friends drifted apart later. However, they managed to raise the ante of literary activities and thus make it into history of literature.