9 сентября 1933 года основано издательство ДЕТГИЗ

On this day, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks issued a decree to establish the state DETGIZ publishing house from the children’s sector of the Molodaya Gvardia publishing house and the school sector of the State Publishing House of the Fine Literature. The decree stressed that the purpose of the publishing house was to introduce young readers to cultural reaches accumulated by mankind.

And you know what, they introduced them alright! No barriers of ideology could stop a cohort of such great children’s writers, as Olesha, Gaidar, Marshak, Barto, Chukovsky, Kassil, Zhitkov, Bianki and many others from entering the children’s literature. With the ideological husks filtered, the first books taught to be kind in a fun and entertaining manner and became a truly great power, a source of knowledge and the best present.