5 июля 1996 года родилась клонированная овца Долли

The first thoughts about cloning emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, and the first experiments were conducted by Nobel laureate Hans Spemann. But the first great success was achieved by the researchers of the Roslin Institute and the biotechnological company PPL Therapeutics in Edinburg on the 5th of July of 1996: after 220 failed attempts, they managed to clone a lamb without using a ram’s germinal cells. For over six months, the birth of the pretty lamb Dolly was kept in secret, and only in March 1997, British magazine Nature broke that sensational news. Next years, Americans introduced a cloned calf, Mr. Jefferson, later, they cloned a mouse, a cat, a dog, a pig… The tremendous upgrowth of science makes us recall Russian singer Vladimir Vysotsky: “And now we’ll start to gemmate.” As to Dolly, she lived a happy sheep life, became a mother, but got arthritis that was successfully cured. Later, she had grave problems with her lungs and was put down. Today, we can see Dolly as a stuffed exhibit in the National Museum of Scotland.