4 июля 1776 года конгресс в Филадельфии одобрил Декларацию независимости

“Nothing important happened today,” English king George III wrote in his diary on July 4, 1776. The atmosphere was calm, everyone was in good spirits, but all that because there were no telephones and no internet at that time. On that day, the British monarch did not know what had happened at the other end of the world. However, he could suspect it: by then, the British colonies had been protesting against the metropole for a long time. Virginia, Massachusetts, Delaware and some other states, eager for economic independence, finally decided to break the chains and signed the Declaration of Independence. On the least important day (according to George III) it was approved by the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. And the new state that resulted from it, the United States of America, celebrates its birthday on July 4.