29 июня 1900 года родился писатель Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери

As a child, he tried to tame grasshoppers. He put them into a matchbox but, for some reason, they died. Later, he would grow up and explain to everyone that one becomes responsible for whomever they have tamed. But it would happen only after Saint-Exupéry, a viscount’s son, had studied architecture at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. The profession would serve him in the future: he would create illustrations for The Little Prince himself. However, he would not become an architect: he would go to the army and study to become a pilot. Planes would change his life forever. Once he said to his future wife that if she does not allow him to kiss her they would fall into a river. The girl had to surrender: the seduction took place in the cabin of a plane in flight. And one day, a plane piloted by Saint-Exupéry crashed in the Libyan desert. He was saved almost a month later, but in the meantime, he wrote The Little Prince, a book that transformed the humanity.

In 1938, Saint-Exupéry flew from New York to Tierra del Fuego, but the plane crashed in Guatemala and the pilot had to spent several months bedbound. The result of this was his second great book, Wind, Sand and Stars. In this book, he told us about the only luxury on the earth, that of human interaction. He survived the Civil War in Spain and did not get to the demonstration flight of the plane Maxim Gorky that crashed during that flight.

The sky took his life during World War II: his plane disappeared over the Mediterranean in July 1944. And only recently, between Marseilles and La Ciotat, fisherman Jean-Claude Bianco found a silver chain from his bracelet bearing the names of Saint-Exupéry, his wife Consuelo and his American publisher, Reynal & Hitchcock.