23 октября 1914 года основан Театральный институт имени Бориса Щукина

On October 10, under the Julian calendar, a student of Stanislavsky, Evgeny Vakhtangov, gave the first lecture on the Stanislavsky system for Commercial Institute students. This was the day when the history of the theater school began. Later it would receive the name of Shchukin. Boris Vasilyevich Shchukin was not a teacher at the school named after him – he was studying and working there at the time when it was called the Third Studio of Moscow Art Theater. It should also be added that he came to the Studio when he was an adult with technical education – he had been studying before being drafted to the front of World War I at Moscow Higher Technical School. When the people’s artist died in 1939, his name was immediately assigned to the school.