20 июня 1937 года завершился первый в мире беспосадочный полет Москва – Северный Полюс – США

63 hours and 16 minutes after takeoff from Moscow Region airfield Shchelkovo, Soviet single-engine aircraft ANT-25 landed in American Vancouver. You probably know the members of its heroic crew: Chkalov, Baidukov and Belyakov. A year before, they flew to the Far East to warm up and then received the titles of heroes. Now, the red falcons are ready to fly across the North Pole. The shortest road to the States was not a piece of cake – the pipeline was even iced out with tea from thermos. But it all ended with a happy ending at the Barracks military airfield. They were greeted with enthusiasm and named “winners of the magnetic jungle in the top of the world.” The heroes were received by President Roosevelt. He couldn’t stand up as a sign of respect – he was wheelchair-bound. But the monument did – in 1975, in Vancouver.