19 октября 1952 года врач Ален Бомбар отправился в одиночное плавание через Атлантический океан

“The victims of the legendary shipwrecks who died prematurely, I know: it was not the sea that killed you, it was not hunger that killed you, it was not thirst that killed you! Swaying on the waves to the plaintive cries of seagulls, you died of fear,” French sea doctor Alain Bombard wrote in his book Overboard at Will. He had the right to write so: in 1952, Bombard crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone on a tiny inflatable rubber boat in 65 days while eating fish and plankton and washing it all down with sea water. At the same time, his box with an emergency supply remained unopened. He made this experiment on himself with the only purpose: to prove people that it is possible to survive on the high seas without food and water supplies, and to teach them the art of this kind of survival. It is noteworthy that the name of his boat was provoking: Heretic. He used to receive letters of acknowledgment for many years after his voyage: “We would die but for your example.” And it proves Bombard’s statement.