12 октября 1964 года с космодрома Байконур стартовал первый многоместный космический корабль «Восход-1»

Vladimir Komarov, Konstantin Feoktistov and Boris Egorov became the world's first space crew. But it was yet too early to solve psychological problems of compatibility, since they were in space just a day and 17 minutes.

The word “first time" has been applied to this flight many times. For the first time, civilians ascended into space: the scientist Feoktistov and the doctor Egorov, for the first time the flight took place without spacesuits. For the first time high-ranking officials did not annoy the FAI commissioner and medical scientists who examined post-flight condition of the astronauts. They had no time for this – at that time, CPSU Central Committee plenum started in Moscow, at which they were filming Khrushchev.