1 октября 1908 года с конвейера сошел первый экземпляр автомобиля Ford Т

Its success exceeded all expectations. Ford Model T became the most widely used car of the first half of the twentieth century – 15 million cars had been released before the gates of the Highland Park Ford Plant closed its gates behind the last “Tin Lizzie" on August 19, 1927. Massive production and well-thought-out organization of work made it possible to reduce the already low price of $850 at the beginning of release to the funny amount of $250 in 1925.

Where did the nickname come from? From its color – all 15 million cars were black, and black maids in the United States have long been called Lizzies. However, according to Henry Ford, one could order a car of any color, provided that it was black. Do you think the whole thing was about Ford’s personal taste? No, it was a pure economy. Black paint used at the Ford plant managed to dry out while the car was running along the conveyor. Other colors did not keep pace.