10 рецептов Альберта Швейцера
Albert Schweitzer

1875 – 1965. German and French, doctor, theologian, musician. He built a hospital in Gabon at his own expense and worked there himself. Nobel Peace Prize winner.


1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the most important key to success. If you like what you do, you will definitely succeed.

2. Happiness is good health and bad memory.

3. Do something virtuous – and people will follow your lead.

4. The ideal of a cultural person is nothing more than the ideal of a person who in all conditions retains genuine humanity.

5. My knowledge is pessimistic but my willing and hoping are optimistic.

6. Sometimes the flame goes out but someone reignites it. Each of us is deeply indebted to those who have not let this flame go out.

7. Example is not the main thing. It is the only thing. … Only as a man has simplicity can his example influence others.

8. To know each other is not only to know everything about the other one; it means treating each other with sympathy and trust, believing each other. A person should not intrude into someone else’s identity.

9. Frequenting the church won’t make a person a Christian in the same sense as frequenting the garage won’t make him a chauffeur.

10. There are two shelters from the vagaries of life: music and cats.